Carrier Grade NTP & PTP (IEEE 1588)
Grand Masters

The continuing evolution of mobile network technologies has driven the need for increased accuracy and greater availability of timing and synchronization solutions. The PackeTime IEEE 1588 Grand Master product range is designed to address evolving LTE synchronization requirements, small cell deployments and uncertain backhaul situations present new timing challenges, both technical and economic requirements.



TimeProvider 2700

TimeProvider 2700 Grand Master Up to 128 IEEE1588 Unicast Clients @ 128 messages per second Supports all the latest ITU approved PTP profiles for frequency and phase synchronization E1/T1 input or output, 10 MHz, PPS and TOD output 32 channel GNSS L1 receiver Up to 5 days 10µs phase holdover…

TimeProvider 4100 Release 2.0

TimeProvider 4100 PTP Grandmaster High performance boundary clock Gateway clock with extensive fan-out: 8x1GE, 4xE1/T1 ports PRTC class A and PRTC class B 1G/10G expansion module Up to 790 PTP unicast clients at 128 PPS and up to 140,000 NTP transactions per second Link:

TimeProvider 5000

TimeProvider 5000 Grand Master Up to 1000 IEEE1588 Unicast Clients @ 128 messages/second Single or Dual GNSS receiver Redundant Power supplies 1x10e-11 daily holdover Download Datasheets Link:

Services & Support

Whether you need advice, technical support, calibration or the manufacturer’s services, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

RF Test

RF Test & Measurement is a new business direction of Narda Safety Test Solutions that includes analyzers and devices for monitoring the radio spectrum, measuring and identifying RF sources.

EMF Safety

Learn more about the four EMF Safety categories: Wideband EMF, Selective EMF, Personal Safety EMF, Area Monitoring and Simulation.

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